While waiting for the iftar, I'd like to talk about how English changed my life. I'm inspired to write thoughts on this after watching Maudy Ayunda's thoughts on English on her YouTube channel. I found some similarities with her thoughts.

Here's the link in case you want to watch it.

Maybe some of you have a question about why I always mention Maudy Ayunda as an inspiration because, regardless of her privilege, she loves learning new things, breaking her limits to challenge herself to try new things, and, most importantly, she stays humble, rarely showing her private life. I personally love people who have these strong characters in themselves because, no matter how changing this life can be, these people can keep their authentic selves. Okay, let's move on to the next paragraph.

How has English changed my life? English is part of my life since I learned it at the age of 9–10 years old. I found English to be an interesting and flexible language that will always get updated over time.

English itself changes my life and the way I think about something.

First, English can connect me to people from many countries who also love learning English or to people who speak English, or let's say native speakers.

Based on the first statement, English also opens my door to learning about people's cultures from the way they share them in the English language, of course.

Third, and this is quite important to me, English also opens the door for me to learn many subjects that are not available in Indonesian. For example, I usually read self-improvement books that are not available in Indonesian or other courses to learn that are not available in Indonesian.

Fourth, English can help me find a better career and keep improving. It's a bonus, actually. 😅

English is an international language that must be learned, and I'm lucky to have strong enthusiasm to learn it anytime and anywhere. Maybe that's all for this time because iftar will come in a few minutes. Let's learn English because its benefits is many. 😊✨