Thank God. Alhamdulillah. I finally graduated with a cumlaude predicate on time of "four years," which I didn't expect before because I took Islamic Banking without all of my heart at first. 🤫

However, at the end, I started loving all of the interesting things in this major, it led me to be active at class, by debating with other peers when we had a presentation project discussing current issues about inflation, etc (no matter how introverted I am). 😅

The Faculty of Economics and Business taught me how to manage my life's prosperity better, use resources wisely, and many other things. It leads me to continue studying, and it also leads me to a question below.

What's next? As a human being, plans are a must because tomorrow is full of surprises, isn't it?

Besides working, I'm planning on continuing my master's degree soon (next year, by Allah's will) because for me, learning is like a full-time job, which I can't avoid. 😅

I found a lot of recommendations on the internet about the pros and cons of taking a master's degree and many more.

I finally decided to take an online master's degree at WorldQuant University in the US. The reasons are:

1. It's an online course (no matter how hard I try to study abroad or even in my own country, my mother will never permit me since she's so strict and always tries to take care of me. I understand that having a daughter is different; it takes more protection)

2. WorldQuant University is in the US. As an English enthusiast, I prefer taking a subject that's taught in English (it's like killing two birds with one stone). Besides learning the subject, I can also learn English better. 😁

3.The subject itself: WorldQuant University provides a Master of Science degree (which means it has more practice than theory compared to a Master of Arts) in Financial Engineering.

Financial Engineering is still on the same line with my major I took for a bachelor degree, so I'm not confused, I'm not going to restart either. 😅

4. What's Financial Engineering? Financial engineering is the use of mathematical techniques to solve financial problems. Financial engineers test and issue new investment tools and methods of analysis. They work with insurance companies, asset management firms, hedge funds, and banks. 

Besides languages, I also love math. Solving problems is fun, so yeah. 😅

5. Since it's a Master of Science, making a thesis isn't mandatory. They substitute it with a capstone project. It's more beneficial for me because I can analyse as well as apply it in my daily life or workplace. It's one of the interesting things I consider about MSc. 

6. Even though it's an online degree, WorldQuant University is accredited in the US by DEAC.

Those are the main reasons why I finally decided to choose WorldQuant University as my next learning location to gain more experience. 

A special note : Many people take a Master degree just for getting a better career, it's not wrong but not 100% right; for me personally, a better career is a bonus for knowledge we dive in to be applied in the daily life that are impactful for both us and people. 😊

Many things I should do before applying: prepare my mentality, my stability, my time management, and many things. By writing this here, I'm hoping it becomes my personal reminder whenever I'm down or the worst is cancelling my plan.

My to-do-list is very long. I just want to drop one of them tonight. Maybe I'll drop the others too. Let's wait.

So, what's your next, peers?