I've heard the word "forgiveness" many times in my lifetime, yet I just see the implementation in some cases.

These days, almost all social media and television channels are filled with heartbreaking news about a general who has been suspended for killing his own guard. Yoshua Nofryansah Hutabarat.

Many people out there want to know the motives behind that murder. However, there's a meaningful thing I see here.

It's about a family who lost the late Yoshua. Seriously, I'm speechless. I've never found families like this family so far. That's why I salute this family for their strong hearts and humility. 

Since I've been following this case, this humble and friendly family has taught me many things, mainly about forgiveness.

The father, named Mr. Samuel Hutabarat, who is modest and humble, never speaks so rudely whenever he is interviewed by journalists. He even still calls the general who killed his son with a polite call. When I were in his position, I didn't know if I could be like that. He has a big heart. (Sobbing)

The mother is also a strong mother who still hopes to meet the general and his wife, who did something terrible to her son.

She said, "I know we're going to die, but my son was healthy and he worked sincerely, but he passed away in this condition."

I really feel condolences for this little family. If only I lived near them, I would visit them often to strengthen them. 😭

Whenever I watch this family, my tears will flow freely. May Allah always bless this little humble family and keep them strong.

This is the biggest crime I've ever seen in this 21st century because I think the wider religion spreads, the more people who have the hearts to know what is good or bad.

Let's always remind ourselves that we're nothing but clay, so when bad thoughts come to our minds, we remember who we are not to hurt others or the worse is to end one's life easily. Astaghfirullah.