Last night was a special night for me and other Muslim ummah around me for an isra miraj as it's commonly known as the ascension of prophet Muhammad SAW (it's intentionally held early but I don't know about the certain reason) was successfully held in the mosque that's located near to my house.
We were all busy preparing all stuff before the main agenda was started, and my lecture was invited to deliver some messages related to isra miraj moments. Even though, it just took twenty minutes, yet the message was meaningful to me.
There was 2 main points of isra miraj that we as Muslim can take the wisdom from it.
1. Isra miraj happened at midnight
Isra miraj didn't happen at noon while crowded and noisy, prophet Muhammad SAW did isra miraj in the midnight, in solitude while people were sleeping so tight.
2. Isra miraj happened when prophet Muhammad SAW was sorrowful and devastated for losing his uncle
Isra miraj didn't happen when prophet Muhammad SAW was joyful, he was at his darkest and lowest moment for losing his uncle.
From two points, there are life lessons that are relevant to be applied in this modern Life, what are they?
Since prophet Muhammad SAW did isra miraj at midnight, he received the command to perform prayer.
Midnight (1/3 of night) is the best and foremost time to tell everything we're experiencing to Him, far from crowd, far from noise, only in solitude we're not thinking of anything else but what we're experiencing without anything to be concealed.
In the afternoon, we may be hurry to perform prayers, at midnight nothing is running after us, we can stay longer while feeling how close He is towards us.
Even the connection is way faster at midnight, our prayers too.
Allah entertained prophet Muhammad's grief by a command to perform midnight prayer, how sweet.
He also added up, isra miraj means giving something meaningful to orphan without having to be announced in the mosque for formalities.
Isra miraj is celebrated everywhere, it doesn't mean there are only dishes and festivities, orphan's happiness does count.
Isra miraj has to be celebrated happily and something that boosts our happiness is doing something good not make others happy.
Doing something good is universal, it's not based on how much, how long, how many.
Doing something good is something that we can do without any exception.
Hopefully, isra miraj brings happiness to us because we'll greet Ramadan month soon.