-Universe in a cup of Coffee-

Second week of PPM-LR has been done much similarly to the the first week.

For religion, I join in the TPQ in the mosque near me to teach kids how to recite Quran and write Arabic letters. They innocently do both without any rejection even though sometimes they ask me to shorten the time 😅😐 I know kids are easily bored with materials so I did an intermezzo in the middle of the lesson.

For entrepreneurship, still the same. I visit people who have small entreprises and start to promote them online. The result is a bit satisfying.

For education, I still help many students who have to study from home once they receive a task from their teachers at school.

The kids who couldn't read yet show their progress significantly by reading at least 5 words directly. Love them. Practice makes perfect, indeed.

And sure, bringing English lesson like telling them about simple vocabularies and tell them how to pronounce them correctly is more fun.

Time flies so fast, I've done my PPM-LR for two weeks, means there are still two weeks to get done.

In this seventh semester, I can feel how hard to get a degree for making my life better, later but I'm excited as always to follow what God plans for me 😊