Alhamdulillah, I've completed my AFT program 😁

6 months of joining AFT has taught me a lot on how to build a relationship with students and their parents, on how to create an exciting atmosphere at class, on how to prepare good lesson plans and many more. 

6 months of joining AFT I also met many new friends from many regionals that are skillful in teaching, they shared many things that I didn't know before. 

6 months of joining AFT I also met best mentors and professional teachers who have lots of precious knowledge for me to dig more. 

It was not easy to complete every agenda of the AFT program because I also had another activity to get done at the same time but it taught me on how to manage my time properly. 

I remember how it was started from I found an ads about AFT then I tried to apply and I had to take English exam with my slow connection, I did my interview with my slow connection too 😅 until I was accepted to be one of many other participants to join in the AFT program for 6 Months. 

All of it has been paid off by accepting my official certificate along with its transcript with a satisfying result 😁 and I hope it can be my provision to get a better career and my existence and everything I've learned so far would become more beneficial for people around me. 

Now, my turn to focus on my own major because I hope next year I can graduate on time 😊

There are still a lot of plans I want to do and one of them is graduating next year. 

For you who have a lot of plans to execute, keep on the right track.