It's still about my marathon review about Scaled and Icy album. The second track I'd like to review based on my own opinion is.. 

No Chances. 

Oh I love this so much, reminds me of their fourth album Blurryface, it's quite dark and creepy especially the choirs that are singing "We come for you, no chances" At some parts. (Sometimes I think I'm listening to Doubt from Blurryface when I'm listening to No Chances) 

I'm sure it's the Bishop in the DEMA that control Tyler and Tyler can hardly have a chance to escape from them (Oh my imagination 😅). 

Sadly, this one hasn't been made a music video yet, I'm sure if this one is made, it will be aesthetic.

I can imagine when the bishops run after Tyler and Tyler runs just like in the Jumpsuit music video from their fifth album Trench. 

Musically, it's dark as well as lyrically. I can rate this song 10/10 based on my personal taste of music. 

Lyrically, it's like telling about how Bishop controls Tyler as I said before.

As I read about Scaled and Icy theories, every song in the album will be darker started from Shy Away to No Chances and Redecorate, it means he wants to be back not being controlled by Dema anymore. 

(To be honest, when I'm reading their theories, I feel excited and "gemes" or furious at the same time because why does tøp have to be like this to their fans?) Others might just release an album then promote it, they should give many signs to solve 😌).