It's Saturday night, guys. 

Don't you have any idea to go out buying something? I'd like to board out something that makes me full 😂 kidding, guys ✌

Well, it's still about AFT to be more exact yesterday and today we had three agendas to do; a presentation about google Apps for education, and two webinars. Can you imagine how tired my internet data pack was? 😅 

I thought the first team who had to do a presentation was other teams from other majors, turned out it was mine. Kinda shocked to be honest, I don't know that no matter how many times I've done many presentations in front of my class which means the audiences are my own friends, I'm still nervous to do a presentation in front of others 😌

So, yeah it's a mandatory so we (we have a new colleague from the other subject "Civic" to join us in the same group, so it's relieving) did a presentation about the first app is google form, the simple one yet we got lots of notes from the mentors because we did a presentation not naturally (such beginners, so 😅) 

I got many precious lessons where as the educators in the digital era, we're demanded to do anything quickly for example is when we should make 50-100 questions by using google forms, it's impossible for us to copy & paste them all one by one so we have to create kind of shortcut to make it more simple and easier. 

It's a challenge for all of educators in the digital era, everything must be done effectively and efficiently, awesome 😌

The second and third agendas are two webinars about educations like how to be a good teacher in teaching, what we need to be a good teacher who doesn't only teach but also educate. Because teaching and educating are two different things 😊

When it comes to teaching, we give our students the materials then we explain it to them then we give them exams so on. 

But, if it's about educating we should use different approach in teaching, more or less like that 😅

From two webinars, I got a lot of insight to be applied in the daily life :) 

Stay tuned for my next story hehe. 

An addition from me. 

"A teacher is an immortal learner"